Don't believe the hype...


The Purpose Edit

Curated insights for business leaders who want to contribute to building a liveable future. Every fortnight we handpick the most interesting reads and resources from 75+ newsletters on strategy, innovation, and sustainability. We then lovingly wrap it all up with a digital bow, a sprinkling of systems thinking and a healthy dose of urgent optimism. Any business can be a force for good - and now is the time for wild but considered change. All hands on deck πŸ’ͺ

The Purpose Edit

Edition #18

The narrative isn't the end in itself - so maintaining a laser-sharp focus on the real goal is key


Hi Reader,

We've been talking a lot about the role of sustainability consultants and this article caught our attention for its critique of the 'invisible consultants' helping their clients shape a narrative for publicity benefits.

We completely agree - and the crux of the problem remains that this is a focus on the wrong goal.

The goal is not a sustainability report. The goal is a sustainable business.

So instead of thinking of sustainability as a compliance or a marketing initiative, genuine sustainability needs to be centred at the core of all businesses - because it's the strategic, commercial and moral thing to do. And that starts with clarity around the business's raison d'Γͺtre.

I'm excited about diving into the tools and techniques that will help foster this conversation among business leaders as part of the Sustainability As The World Needs (SWoN) Accelerator, hosted by arkH3 - a boutique sustainability advisory - in the coming months.

Mobilising business leaders to start viewing sustainability through this lens is key to creating the transition, so this is the work we're excited to be skilling up and stepping into. More on how we're doing that very soon.

Let us know what you think. As always, we personally respond to each reply, and value you sharing your thoughts with us.

All hands on deck,



Inspiring Purpose

Much like Whitney Houston, 'we believe the children are the future'. Sustainability efforts are specifically for allowing future generations to have their needs met (or better). To continue the future focus across the coming generations education is imperative.

​Innova-Nation, a Panamanian organisation, agrees with this. By providing resources and experiences to 8-18-year-olds, they hope to foster creativity and critical thinking. Focusing on empathy and curiosity to drive sustainable development in the future.Sounds like a great combo of education, insight and bit of systems thinking and stakeholder engagement too.


Business As Unusual Innovation

This is one we're unsure about. We're big on having plant babies in home and office. Primarily for ornamental reasons but we like to think that it's improving our air quality.

​Origen Air has taken that to the next level with its Pinnacle Biophilic Air Purifier. It combines a conventional filter with genetically enhanced plants that are more effective at removing Volatile Organic Compounds, and CO2. Effective to the point that it can be included in ESG reporting.

This is amazing technology/biology. We're not completely sold though. Is it over-engineering a solution? Research has shown that using the right type of plants can be effective. Combine that with promoting incremental points for an ESG report (rather than real change) and our scepticism increases.

What do you think? Are we turning into the very naysayers we talked about last edition?


Unveiling Greenwashing: A Practical Workshop for Marketers

A hot topic with sweeping changes across the European regulatory landscape and a current Senate Inquiry here in Australia, greenwashing is often misunderstood and is frequently far more stealthy than we think. And because our overall situation is likely far worse than people realise, even good intentions can unwittingly lead to gross misrepresentation. This ultimately doesn't help us move the dial in any way.

This 90-minute workshop, designed for marketers, but relevant for anyone in business, is a deep dive into how greenwashing is more stealthy than we think, why it's harmful, and what choices and levers we have to catch it before we make bad claims.

Happening on Wednesday 12th June at 12PM AEST, we invite you to take a look - and share it with marketers of any stripes, or business leaders with a vested interest in communicating genuinely.



Nearly a year ago we mentioned the work at RMIT utilising coffee grounds waste in concrete production, reducing the carbon impact of both. We're happy to see that it's gone beyond the research and is now being trialled in footpaths in a local council. It's always great to see research progress. Hopefully we'll see it go further in the future.

On the subject of utilising food waste streams and research, Swiss researchers have found a way to incorporate, the usually discarded, cocoa pod into finished chocolate goods as a replacement for some of the sugar. This reduces waste, increases yield and improves the nutrition of the product. As big chocolate fans, innovation that reduces impact and makes chocolate more nutritional is very appealing.

It's Reconciliation Week here in Australia, and the first since the devastating result of the Voice to Parliament referendum in October last year. Melissa attended a Yarning Circle webinar with Evolve Communities which was eye-opening and inspiring. We recommend checking out their resources and services to help foster practical reconciliation within businesses.

Popular Australian TV show Masterchef is being challenged in the senate inquiry for greenwashing, by spruiking its major sponsor's 'renewable gas'. The partnership with the Australian Gas Network is under fire (totally intended pun) as most of the 'renewable' options they're promoting via the show are not available in households.

​In good news renewables as a source of global electricity are on the rise. 30% of the world's electricity was generated by renewables last year.

What We're Reading

It's Not Just You by Tori Tsui addresses the emotional and mental health side of climate and social justice activism. A reflective and introspective read that validates the frustrations, ups and downs that come with advocating for a better future - M

We acknowledge the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples as the first inhabitants of the nation and that sovereignty was never ceded. We pay our respects to the Turrbal and Yuggera people who are the Traditional Custodians of the lands where we live, learn and work in beautiful Meeanjin (Brisbane), Australia.


PO Box 899, Bulimba, QLD 4171
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The Purpose Edit

Curated insights for business leaders who want to contribute to building a liveable future. Every fortnight we handpick the most interesting reads and resources from 75+ newsletters on strategy, innovation, and sustainability. We then lovingly wrap it all up with a digital bow, a sprinkling of systems thinking and a healthy dose of urgent optimism. Any business can be a force for good - and now is the time for wild but considered change. All hands on deck πŸ’ͺ